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Injectables: A Safe and Non-Invasive Way to Halt Signs of Aging

Volbella® in Jacksonville, FL

Often times, genetics mean that skin does not age very well on the outside. Lessened elasticity leads to a sagging appearance in the facial area, dulled features, and the addition of wrinkles from fine lines to deep creases. Crow’s feet appear around the eyes from years of expression. Collagen growth slows and leads to a loss of volume in the cheeks. Skin begins to migrate south and hang loosely around the jaw, eyes, and chin. The effects of age take a toll on the way you look and can lead to a less-than-satisfied feeling about your appearance.

However, there are many safe and time-tested options to help you turn back the clock and achieve a younger, fresher looking face. Injectables are a fantastic option to correct mild to moderate signs of aging. Dr. Phillip Garcia is here to help you narrow down your choices and pick the right treatment for you based on your unique physiology and your own goals and personal desires. Whether you are looking to fix early signs of aging or delay a more intensive procedure through a dermal filler that will last you months to a few years, Dr. Garcia will guide you as an expert in anti-aging technology.
Botox in Jacksonville, FL


Botox® provides temporary relaxation for the muscles in the face to prevent movement and over-action that causes wrinkles and folds. The appearance of lines on the face lessen, and the skin as a whole becomes smoother.


Juvederm in Jacksonville, FLJuvederm® delivers hyaluronic acid into the face, adding this beneficial compound reduces lines and wrinkles. A more youthful look can be achieved through this popular, non-invasive option.


Sculptra in Jacksonville, FLSculptra® stimulates collagen growth to keep your face hydrated and add volume to sunken areas in need of rejuvenation. Results can last up to two years to give you a long-lasting smoother, fresher, more youthful appearance.


Radiesse in Jacksonville, FLRadiesse® volumizes your face by adding safe and beneficial calcium-derived microspheres to your facial structure to support a plumper, firmer look. Smooth out even more severe wrinkles and stimulate healthy elasticity in your skin for a radiant face.

Check out our full gallery of before and after photos to get an idea of the real results that patients just like you have achieved through a simple series of injectable fillers. These subtle anti-aging technologies can help you to naturally look sharper, younger, and increase your confidence without anyone noticing a sudden or drastic difference. They’re fantastic options for busy men and women who want to look their best without any downtime and on an affordable budget.

Don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with our top-notch staff today. If you live in the Jacksonville area, simply contact us at (904) 495-0975. For your utmost convenience, we have several state-of-the-art locations throughout Avondale, Jacksonville, Julington Creek/Mandarin, Fleming Island and Palm Coast.


Perk Up Your Look (And Spirits!) With An Eye Lift

Blepharoplasty Before and After Pictures Jacksonville, FL

If you feel like you always look tired, even when you’ve had a good night’s sleep, or you’re fed up with having makeup creased in your eyelids, there’s good news. You can grow older more gracefully. It just takes a little help from an experienced board certified plastic surgeon.

Here’s what we know about how the eye area ages. At just one-tenth the thickness of the rest of the skin on your face, the eye area is extremely delicate. Around the age of 40 for most people, the skin around the eyes begins to lose strength and elasticity. Of course, there are always exceptions. Some young adults may notice drooping and under eye bags prematurely and some lucky people won’t see effects until they are much older than 40. Your eyes are more likely to age quickly if you’re male, have fair skin, are overweight or are genetically predisposed. Smoking and sun exposure can also cause premature aging.

Many eye creams claim to calm puffy eyes and diminish wrinkles. These creams won’t help much after a certain amount of collagen has already been lost or if heredity isn’t on your side. If you’re beyond cucumber treatments and are considering a lasting solution, it may be time to check out eyelift options for your upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both.

Upper Eyelid

Patients who have hooded or droopy upper eyelids may have more than aesthetic concerns. When the upper eyelid hangs low, vision can be obscured. Fortunately, this issue can be fixed by tightening the muscle in the eyelid and/or by removing excess skin and fat from the area. The procedure restores a full field of vision and allows the muscle to work effectively again.

Lower Eyelid (or Lower Eye)

Pockets of fat deposits cause wrinkled and loose skin underneath the eyes. The deposits tilt forward, pressing against an aged or weakened lower eyelid wall. In this situation, excess skin and fat are removed, giving you a more streamlined appearance.

Fat Grafting

The presence or loss of facial volume, particularly around the eyes, can make your face seem hollowed out. Sagging skin and sunken cheeks create shadows and spaces that affect how the eyes look. If this is the case for you, Fat grafting may be a good option. Fat grafting can be used during an eyelift procedure to fill out your face. Fat grafting gives a fresher, more youthful look. Patients who have had Fat grafting are thrilled with their natural-looking, permanent results. Fat grafting is another option for those wanting to do both Fat grafting, and eyelid surgery.

Brow Lift

A brow lift is sometimes recommended along with an eye lift. A brow lift moves the eyebrow line to subtly make your eyes look more awake. Combining the procedures balances the forehead with the eyes and restores a younger look.

If you are considering an eye lift, the first place to start is by consulting with a trusted, board-certified plastic surgeon. Simply call (904) 495-0975 or e-mail us at to schedule an appointment. Now is a good time to get an appointment on your calendar.

Want a better idea of what patients look like after getting an eyelift? Be sure to check out before and after pictures taken of Dr. Phillip Garcia’s patients. We think you’ll be pleased when you see how natural and refreshed our patients look.

To schedule your consultation with Dr. Garcia contact us today!


Men Are Keeping Up With Plastic Surgery

Rhinoplasty Before and After Pictures Jacksonville, FL

If you’re a man, and you’re reading this, you’re probably thinking about having some type of facial treatment or plastic surgery.  You’re probably also reading this article in a place where nobody can see that you’re checking out Dr. Garcia’s website.  Hey, it’s okay.  You’re not alone.  Men are actually the largest growing segment of patients in Dr. Phillip Garcia’s practice.  Why should women be the only ones to take advantage of the latest surgical and non-surgical advances?  Men have the right to look and feel their best too.

The key to getting the results you want with plastic surgery is to find a specialist like Dr. Garcia who routinely performs facial procedures on men.  Men shouldn’t look too “done”.  Men have different physiology from women, so it’s important to find a facial plastic surgeon that knows how to work with denser muscles, thicker skin and varying hairlines.

What exactly facial plastic surgery can do for you depends on your goals.  Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery offers many surgical and non-surgical options to men including eyelifts, neck lifts, facelifts, nose jobs, chin implants, injections, fillers and more.   Here’s the lowdown on a few of the most common treatments for men:

Eyelid Surgery Blepharoplasty Before and After Pictures Jacksonville, FL

Eyelid surgery for men, also known as male blepharoplasty, lets you look like a better version of yourself.  This procedure tightens your upper and/or lower eyelids so you can look as energetic as you feel.  During the procedure, Dr. Garcia focuses on removing just the right amount of eyelid skin, muscle, and fat to maintain a masculine look.

Neck Lift

Male neck lifts get rid of a double chin or turkey neck by defining your features.  When Dr. Garcia performs neck lifts on men, he tightens the skin, but no so much that it is taut.  Keeping the appropriate amount of softness keeps the lines natural looking.

Neck lifts are often performed at the same time as facelifts.  Describing exactly how facelifts are done is difficult because the procedures are modified for every patient depending upon his anatomy and needs. Knowing that patients don’t want to look like they’ve had plastic surgery, Dr. Garcia leaves a few distinguished wrinkles in strategic places.  His male patients who have had facelifts take pride in looking strong, masculine and healthy.

Rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty Before and After Pictures Jacksonville, FL

A rhinoplasty (i.e. nose job) will benefit you if  you broke your nose playing sports when you were younger or just don’t like the shape of your nose.  When performing a rhinoplasty, Dr. Garcia focuses on making your nose look good both from the front and the side.  He ensures that the tip shape, nostril size, and bridge width are proportional to your face.  You’ll look like an improved version of you minus the bump, lopsided bone or wide bridge.


Injectable fillers such as Botox® are also on the rise among men.  Injectables treat lines and wrinkles from smiling, squinting and frowning that make men appear angry, tired or stressed.  Injectables can be used to discretely soften forehead lines, smooth nasolabial folds, fill depressions around the mouth, and more.  Just the right amount of injectable can make you look sharper and feel more confident without your friends or anyone at work picking up on the change.

Here are some before and after pictures to give you an idea of what to expect.  We think these guys came out looking pretty good.  You will too.

If you live in the Jacksonville area and would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Phillip Garcia, MD, FACS, contact us at (904) 495-0975 or send an e-mail to For your scheduling convenience, we have locations throughout Avondale, Jacksonville, Julington Creek/Mandarin, Fleming Island and Palm Coast.


Tired Of Sticking Your Neck Out? Check Out The Latest Contouring Options

Neck Lift Before and After Pictures Jacksonville, FL

Your neck often shows visible signs of aging faster than other parts of your body. After all, the skin on your neck is thin; even thinner than the skin on your face. Weight gain, weight loss, lax muscles or just lousy genetics make the issue even worse causing wrinkles, sagging skin and a double chin.

Fortunately, you don’t have to live with crepey skin or a turkey wattle. More options exist than ever before to restore your neck to what it used to be. Whether you’re looking for the least invasive non-surgical option or are ready to embark on a permanent surgical solution, Dr. Phillip Garcia, founder of Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery, located in Jacksonville, Florida, is available to help you identify the solution that will give you the results you want. So many exciting new technologies and techniques have been developed in the past few years to give you a smooth, sleek neckline.

Ultherapy Before and After Pictures Jacksonville, FLUltherapy®

Ultherapy® tops the list of most desirable new lift techniques. You may have seen it featured on popular television shows such as Good Morning America, 20/20, The Doctors and Dr. Oz. Ultherapy® uses ultrasound technology to penetrate deep into the dermal layers to smooth, lift and tighten your skin. It’s the only FDA-approved non-surgical, procedure clinically proven to increase collagen and regenerate tissue. After two to three months, patients who have been treated with Ultherapy® have enjoyed dramatic results without any downtime.


If you are bothered by a double chin, known in the plastic surgery world as submental fullness, Kybella® is another popular non-surgical solution. Kybella® is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment designed to reduce fat under your chin. Kybella® is an innovative treatment because it actually destroys the fat producing cells beneath your chin. Once the fat cells are destroyed, the cells can no longer store or accumulate fat. The number of necessary treatments varies from patient to patient, but once you reach your desired goal, no further treatments are expected. Six treatments are the maximum number recommended.


Extensive contouring can be done with liposuction. Patients need to have adequate skin and muscle tone for this procedure to be effective. Liposuction, which has a shorter recovery time than a full neck lift, removes the fat from the subcutaneous tissue layer in your neck. It creates a more youthful, shapely neck and jaw line.

Neck Lifts Neck Lift Before and After Pictures Jacksonville, FL

Neck lifts are the surefire long lasting way to get a firmer, more defined jaw and neckline. Although the procedure is more invasive than other neck tightening treatments, neck lifts are a permanent, sure-fire fix.

When selecting the appropriate treatment for your neck, your age, facial structure, genetics, lifestyle and preference are all factors that come into play. Dr. Phillip Garcia is available to consult with you to develop a treatment plan that’s right for you. To schedule a consultation, call (904) 495-0975 or contact us via e-mail at

If you’re thinking about a neck lift and are curious to see what people look like after their procedures, be sure to check out our before and after photos. These patient photos taken by the staff at Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery will help you see how much improvement is possible with each type of procedure.


Get Safe, Successful Results With A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Plastic Surgeon in Jacksonville, FL

Plastic Surgeon in Jacksonville, FL

Doctors who are not certified nor trained are performing plastic surgery procedures at unprecedented rates.  They are attracting patients left and right with deep discounts and package deals.  While the price may seem right, patients do not realize that they could be jeopardizing a lot more than their looks when they choose the wrong practitioner.  Non-certified providers often skimp when it comes to providing the appropriate level of care.  Patients are at risk for mistakes and potentially serious or fatal complications.  Even minor procedures can be a big deal when it comes to your health and appearance.

If you’re thinking about getting a procedure, no matter how small, always do your homework and use a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS).   Here are five reasons why:

1. Board certified plastic surgeons have received extensive training

When compared to other doctors who perform plastic surgery, surgeons certified by the ABPS have the lowest complication rate due to their education and experience.

Board certified plastic surgeons are required to complete at least three years of general surgical training and then a minimum of two years in plastic surgery.  The plastic surgery specialization includes specific, in-depth instruction on facial procedures.  Rigorous written and oral tests must be passed before a board certified surgeon is allowed to practice.

2. Board certified plastic surgeons are prepared to handle emergencies

If something unplanned ever happens during a treatment or procedure, you want a trained expert on your side.  Board certified plastic surgeons not only have the experience necessary to get the results you’re seeking, but they take extra precautions and have the support they need to ensure your health and safety.

3. Board certified plastic surgeons only operate in accredited medical facilities

While minimally invasive procedures such as injections are often done in a plastic surgeon’s office, board certified plastic surgeons perform surgical procedures in accredited facilities such as a hospital, an in or outpatient center or a day surgery center.  Accredited medical facilities must meet strict national standards for equipment, operating room safety and personnel.  Precautions taken in accredited settings have been proven to decrease the numbers of serious complications.

4. Board certified plastic surgeons adhere to a strict code of ethics

The ABPS has a strict code of ethics that every certified plastic surgeon must follow.  The code outlines everything that board certified surgeons are and are not allowed to do.  It looks out for patients’ welfare.   If a surgeon violates the code, he or she is subject to disciplinary action, including expulsion.

5. Board certified plastic surgeons are required to keep their skills up to date

Board certified plastic surgeons are required to take continuing medical education classes and pass a written test every 10 years to remain certified.  The classes and tests help ensure that the plastic surgeon you select is up to date with the latest standards, techniques, and innovations.

If you’re looking for an ABPS board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Phillip Garcia of Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery is a proven, trusted choice.  For over 15 years, Dr. Garcia has served thousands of patients in North Florida and beyond who have sought facial plastic surgery for a variety of reasons.  Also certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology, he limits his practice to facial procedures.  Dr. Garcia’s focused practice has made him a respected source both locally and internationally.  In addition to being a premier plastic surgeon, Dr. Garcia is an educator who has published several papers and presented numerous research topics.

For more information or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Garcia, call (904) 495-0975 or e-mail us at


Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery Has a New Look Just For You

Skin Care Products in Jacksonville, FL

Phillip Garcia, MD, FACS, and his staff at Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery spent the summer getting refreshed!  We have a new location, an updated website, two new premium medical grade product lines for home care and the absolute latest cutting-edge eyebrow shaping procedure.

Avondale: Our Newest Location

First of all, we’ve become more accessible.  We’re particularly pleased to announce the opening of our latest convenient location in Avondale.   Dr. Garcia will be the medical director for Elite Medical Spa located at 4282 Herschel Street.  Our goal is to better serve our growing community of patients who want to feel more confident, look younger and enjoy longer lasting or permanent improvements to their appearances.

We’ve also given ourselves a digital makeover.  Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery’s new website has officially launched, and we are thrilled to showcase some of our wonderful patients. Our patients are our top priority and we wanted our new website to reflect this.  If you’ve visited our site before, you’ll notice that our new site is easier to navigate, and we’ve added more patient information.  We want to help you make the best possible decisions about your treatment or procedure.  If you’re thinking about getting a particular procedure or just want some preliminary information before coming to see us, be sure to check it out.

Facial Surgery in Jacksonville, FL

Our Newest Offerings

Serving our customers with the quality and pride that we’ve established over the years means constantly researching, testing and offering the latest and greatest procedures and services.  After going through the gamut of new options, we’ve narrowed the pool down to a few new proven products and services that we think you’re going to love.

Medical Grade Skincare:  ZO Skin Health + SkinMedica

Skin Care Products in Jacksonville, FLFinding effective skin care products can be frustrating.  Everyone has a pile of barely used department and drug store products that have been abandoned because they just don’t work.  If you have been struggling to find the right skin care products for you or for a family member, give us a call to make an appointment with our Medical Aestheticians Emily or Melissa.  Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery has added medical grade ZO® Skin Health and SkinMedica® products to our exclusive line of premium home treatment solutions.  ZO® Skin Health and SkinMedica® products are available to support skincare during every stage of life, ranging from acne to anti-aging needs.  Dr. Garcia is an expert in helping you find the right program for your skin type and need.


What makes the products you purchase at Dr. Garcia’s office superior to the ones at drug or department stores?Skin Care Products in Jacksonville, FL  Both ZO® Skin Health and SkinMedica® products have received FDA approval, which allows them to contain higher levels of clinical-grade ingredients than over the counter products.  That means that you’re getting products that have been clinically tested for effectiveness.  These products also penetrate your skin better than drugstore or department store finds.  Although you may initially feel like you’re spending more money, ZO® Skin Health and SkinMedica® products actually save money in the long run. A small amount of product brings great results.  You’ll use less than you would with a mainstream retail product. (would include image if tote with this wording as caption:) Plus, while supplies last, you will receive a free tote with the purchase of $250 or more in ZO® Skin Health products.

Microblading: Go from eyebrow to eyeWOW

If you’ve tried using every pencil, powder, pigment or gel to thicken or even out your eyebrows, then Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery’s new microblading solution may be just what the doctor ordered.  Microblading is a semi-permanent make-up procedure that gives you natural looking results.  Hair-like pigment strokes are manually tattooed under your skin.  Because the strokes mimic your natural hair, your brows can be shaped to your exact liking and preferences.  Although many patients return for touch-ups every six months, results can last up to three years.

Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery is committed to providing you with the latest and highest quality products and services.  We invite you to visit us to check out our additions.  We’re looking forward to seeing you in one of our offices located in Avondale, Ponte Vedra, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Julington Creek/Mandarin and Fleming Island/Palm Coast and hope that you will share your feedback on our progress.  Be sure to contact us at (904) 495-0975 or e-mail us at if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment.


Get a Lift with Non-Surgical Ultherapy®

Ultherapy Before and After Pictures Jacksonville, FL

Ultherapy Before and After Pictures Jacksonville, FLIf you’ve been considering the idea of a facelift but are apprehensive about having surgery, now is the time to check out Ultherapy®, a non-surgical facelift that tightens your skin with ultrasound technology. It only takes about an hour or so. Before you know it, you’re back at work or running errands. Even better, revolutionary Ultherapy® treatment of the neck is 10 percent off through the end of September.

What is Ultherapy®?

A facelift without surgery may sound too good to be true, but Ultherapy® has been proven to be a safe, effective way to tighten your skin. Ultherapy® works by using your body’s own natural regenerative responses, lifting the skin around your eyebrows and underneath your neck. It also smooths out emerging fine lines and wrinkles on your décolletage. Ultherapy® is FDA approved. Since ultrasound equipment has been used for over 50 years, enough time has elapsed for clinical studies to determine the technology’s safety.

How does Ultherapy® work?

During an Ultherapy® session, our Medical Aesthetician, Emily, uses ultrasound imaging to see and target layers of deep skin tissue. She is able to precisely direct Ultherapy® ultrasound energy to specific areas. Ultherapy® energy bypasses the surface of your skin to stimulate the production of collagen in your skin’s dermal foundation. The result is noticeable and clinically significant; skin tissue tightening over a two- to three-month period.
What should I expect during an Ultherapy® procedure?

Many nervous patients want to know what to expect when they go for treatment. What will it feel like? Will anybody be able to tell that work was done? The procedure is actually pretty simple. First, you’ll take a mild pain reliever. Then, sonogram gel is put on the areas that are being treated. Our Medical Aesthetician glides an Ulthera® wand over your neck, jaw, cheeks, forehead and/or other areas as necessary. Patients sometimes report that there’s a strange heat sensation without the heat.

When will I see Ultherapy® results?

Immediately after the treatment, you won’t see a noticeable difference. Some redness may appear, and your skin may feel tighter. Some patients experience mild swelling a day later, but are back to normal within a day or so. You’ll start seeing results a few weeks after you’ve had the procedure. Softer curves and plumper skin subtly begin to appear, giving a younger look.

Patients love the way they look after the procedure. Often patients who get one area treated will return to get another area revitalized. The procedure can be repeated as often as every year and a half or when collagen visibly begins to slow down again.

If you live in the Jacksonville area and would like to find out whether you are a candidate for Ultherapy®, contact Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery at (904) 495-0975 to schedule a consultation with Dr. J. Phillip Garcia. Dr. Garcia has been THE Face Expert of North Florida for over 15 years. Be sure to ask about the 10 percent off professional fees for Ultherapy® of the neck valid during the month of September 2016.

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