Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery
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Just Had Your Lip Augmentation Surgery?

This page contains all of your post-surgery instructions. Conveniently located in Jacksonville, Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery, led by double board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Phillip Garcia, offers lip augmentation for men and women residing in Ponte Vedra Beach, Orange Park, Lakeside and nearby areas in North Florida.

Thinking about a lip augmentation?
Click here to see if a lip augmentation is right for you.

Scheduled a lip augmentation consultation?
Click here for pre-consult guidance.

Scheduled lip augmentation surgery?
Click here for pre-surgery instructions.

Recovery is perhaps the most important step of the lip augmentation process. After having your lip augmentation surgery, you need to take great care in the following weeks to be gentle on your body and let it heal as needed. Most of this involves resting and following the post-operative guidelines provided by Dr. Garcia. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about the lip augmentation recovery process.

This patient received Lip Advancement.


Essential Surgical Documents for You to Review

Please download these essential pre surgical documents and lists of supplies


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What is Recovery from Lip Augmentation Like?

1Lip injections

Recovery after lip injections is typically minimal. Common side effects may include temporary swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort at the injection site. These usually resolve within a few days to a week. Patients can typically resume normal activities immediately after the procedure, but it’s important to avoid vigorous exercise and excessive sun exposure while the treatment area heals.

2Lip Implants/Advancement

Recovery after lip implant surgery typically involves a longer downtime compared to lip injections or laser skin resurfacing. Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are common after lip implant surgery and may persist for several days to a couple of weeks. Pain medication and cold compresses can be used to manage any discomfort. It’s important to follow all post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Garcia, which may include avoiding certain foods, activities, and medications, as well as keeping the lips clean and moisturized. Most patients can usually return to normal activities, including work, within a week or two after lip implant surgery, but it may take several weeks for swelling to fully subside and for the final results to be visible.

How Soon After My Lip Augmentation Will My Before and After Photo Be Taken?

We will take your lip augmentation before and after pictures three months after the lip augmentation surgery. The lip augmentation photo is an important part of your follow-up visit to Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery. At that time, the lip augmentation before and after photographs will be analyzed by Dr. Garcia and the patient.

A Post-Surgery Message from Dr. Garcia

Dr. Garcia reminds patients that the recovery process is the most important phase in the lip augmentation journey. At this point, the final results are entirely dependent on the patient. We’re here to help you through the recovery process in any way we can, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions along the way.

Educational Videos

Frequently Asked Lip Augmentation Post-Surgical Questions


  • When will I see the final results of my lip augmentation procedure?

    Lip augmentation results will become visible along varying time frames depending on the treatment performed. Here’s what you can expect based on each treatment:

    • Lip Injections
      • The final results of lip injections are typically visible within a few days to a couple of weeks after the procedure. Swelling and bruising may occur initially but usually subside within a few days. By the end of the first week or two, most of the initial swelling should have resolved, and the lips should start to settle into their final shape and size.
    • Laser Resurfacing
      • The final results of laser skin resurfacing will begin to appear within a few days to a week after the procedure. They’ll continue to improve over several weeks as the skin heals and regenerates.
    • Lip Implants
      • The final results of lip implants are typically visible once the initial swelling has subsided, which can range from a few weeks to a couple of months. As the swelling goes down, the implants settle into their final position, and the lips take on their desired shape and size.
  • How long does lip augmentation last?

    Lip augmentation produces varying results depending on the treatment performed. Here’s what you can expect based on each treatment:

    • Lip Injections
      • Lip injections will produce results that last up to one year.
    • Laser Resurfacing
      • Laser resurfacing produces results that last anywhere from a few months to a few years, depending on the
        strength of the laser treatment and whether patients receive maintenance treatments.
    • Lip Implants
      • Lip augmentation with Permalip™ implants can last a lifetime, as they are designed to be permanent
  • What activities should I avoid during lip augmentation recovery?

    During the recovery period after lip augmentation, it is important to avoid certain activities to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of complications. Here are some activities that are should be avoided during lip augmentation recovery:

    • Touching, rubbing, or manipulating the treated area
    • Strenuous exercise
    • Excessive, direct sun exposure
    • Smoking and alcohol consumption
    • Certain medications and supplements
    • Applying excessive heat or cold
    • Certain makeup and lip products

    Additionally, it is important to follow any specific post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Garcia to ensure a
    safe and successful recovery after lip augmentation.

  • How should I sleep after lip augmentation surgery?

    After lip augmentation surgery, it is important to sleep in a comfortable and safe position that promotes healing and reduces swelling. You should start by sleeping with your head elevated. This can be done by using a couple of extra pillows to prop your head up above your body. Similarly, you should avoid sleeping on your side for at least the first few weeks. This position can put added pressure on the treatment area that increases swelling.