How to Talk to Your Kids About Plastic Surgery in Jacksonville, FL

Any surgery is a balance of risk versus reward, and plastic surgery often affects parents and grandparents differently than those procedures that are medically necessary. Those who are considering elective cosmetic procedures may wish to look better and feel good about themselves, yet the thought of explaining these types of procedures to family, and children, in particular, can be daunting. Dr. Garcia helps his patients at every step of the way. Here are some of his top tips for parents and grandparents who want to discuss plastic surgery with younger members of the family.

Focus on the Outcome

You needn’t share every detail of your cosmetic procedures or your motivation behind wanting to improve your appearance. When you are discussing plastic surgery with your kids or other family members, stay focused on the outcome of the procedure. You can say things like:

  • I would like to look younger/more refreshed
  • I would like to feel better with a certain aspect of my face
  • I want people to notice my eyes more

Keep It Age Appropriate

Children are often wise beyond their years, but this does not mean that they are ready to hear every detail of your plastic surgery. Before you engage in a conversation with your child about your plastic surgery, take some time to consider the best approach. For younger members of your family, you may want to use the appeal of children’s stories with happy endings. Teenagers are often already focused on their appearances, so you can explain how the procedure will make your skin look healthier.

Be Honest About Risks and Recovery

Chances are that your child will see you in the days and weeks after the plastic surgery procedure, so you should speak candidly about the possibility of bruising, swelling and discomfort. Again, this should be done with an age-appropriate level of detail and with a positive tone. When discussing risks associated with your plastic surgery, carefully consider the age and maturity level of your child.

How to Talk to Your Kids About Plastic Surgery in Jacksonville, FL

Stay Positive and Open

Even if you feel nervous or apprehensive about your plastic surgery procedure, you cannot relay this level of emotion to children. Stay positive with them and remain open to having candid conversations and answering their questions.

Are You Considering Plastic Surgery? Contact Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery

If you are considering plastic surgery or have questions about cosmetic procedures, contact Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation. Dr. Garcia and his staff enjoy sharing their knowledge and insights with people who are considering elective procedures and their families.


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